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Jeny oldala :)

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Induls: 2006-04-22
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Janis Joplin :)

Janis Joplin

"Live fast, love hard, die young"

Amerikai bluesnekesn.

1943. janur 19. Port Arthur, Texas.

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   Janis Joplin (szl. 1943. jan. 19) volt a legnagyobb bluesnekesn, aki fehr ltre olyan tklyre fejlesztette a stlust, mint mg fekete eldei sohasem. Ksbbi jelmondathoz hven - "lj gyorsan, szeress szenvedlyesen, halj meg fiatalon" -  elszktt otthonrl, ahol jl de unalmasan lt tlagos csaldja krben. 1961-tl 66-ig vgigjrta az orszgot, alkalmi munkkbl lt, egy ideig mg egyetemre is jrt. Ksbb egy bluegrass egyttes ksretben country s blueszent, Bessie Smith s Leadbelly dalokat nekelt. 1966-ban eljutott San Franciscba, tagja lett a Big Brother And The Holding Company-nak. 1967-ben fellptek Monterey-ben. Itt tnt ki klnleges, rekedt blueshangjval, s ettl kezdve figyeltek fel r igazn. Albumuk, a Cheap Thrills hatalmas siker volt. Az egyttes sokat turnzott kzsen a nyugati part legnagyobbjaival. Zenjk  alapzene, amelyben kivlan tvzdtt a soul, a blues s a korai hard zene. A npszersg ellenre Joplin kivlt az egyttesbl s nllan prblkozott   tovbb. Szlplyjn vgig segtette a Company gitrosa, Sam Andrew. 1968-ban Bob Dylan menedzsere, Albert Gross,  vette prtfogsba Joplint. Megjelent els lemezk, amelynek bortja a zenszeket s Joplint - mint egy kiraks jtk elemeit  brzolja. Ezzel az albummal kezddtt el a rvid, de annl magasabbra vel karrierje. Koncertjeit mindig j hangulat jellemezte. Fellpsein gyakran tett nyrspolgr idegborzol kijelentseket. Pldul amikor kt frfival jelent meg a sznpadon, s a nagyrdem tudomsra hozta, hogy egyszerre akr kt frfit is kpes szeretni. Msodik szintn rocktrtneti jelentsg albumnak megjelenst mr nem rte meg. Az letmdjval egytt jr napi tbb mint egy veg whisky s drogok - fleg heroin  - 1970. oktber 4-n vgleg elszltottk a mikrofon mgl a 27 ves amerikai nekesnt, aki ppen eltte nap nekelte szalagra lete utols szmt, Kriss Kristofferson "Me And Bobby McGee"-jt. Msik nagy siker a felejthetetlen blues volt, a Mercedes Benz:

Oh Lord won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz

My friends all drive Porsches I must make amends

Were toured all my lifetime no help from my friends

So Lord won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz.

  Vratlan halla utn visszamarad csekly vagyonbl 2000 dollrbl - vgrendelete rtelmben - zensztrsai partit rendez-  tek emlkre. Kvnsghoz hven temets helyett hamvait a Csendes-cenba szrtk. Halla utn zenei rksgt megkmltk - nem gy, mint Jimi Hendrix-t. Egy dupla koncertalbum, nhny vlogats, s a rla kszlt "Janis" cm film zenje jelent meg hivatalosan, emlkt idzve. volt a hippikultra csodlatos s csodlt nalakja, a legenda, ami halla utn vgleg ennek  az letformnak a szimblumv vlt.


Nagylemezek: Big Brother & The Holding Company (1967.)

 Cheap Thrills (1968.)

I Got Dem Ol' Cozmic Blues Again Mama (1969.)

Pearl (1971.)

In Concert (1972.)

Greatest Hits (1973.)

Janis (1974.)

Anthology (1980.)

Farewell Song (1982.)

Janis (1993.)

18 Essential Songs (1995.)

 Little Piece Of My Heart (1997.)

Live At Winterland 68 (1998.)

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A CD online megvsrolhat !

A CD online megvsrolhat !

A CD online megvsrolhat !

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Work Me Lord

Work me Lord.
Please don't you leave me
I feel so useless down here,
With no one to love,
Though I've looked everywhere.
And I can't find, anybody to love,
To feel my pain.
So . . .
Why use me Lord?
Don't you know how hard it is,
Trying to live alone?
Everyday I keep tryin' to move forward,
But something is driving me back.
Something's tryin' to hold onto me
Turn my world back.
So . . .
Don't you forget me down here lord,
Don't you forget me lord.
Well I don't think, I'm any very special kind of person down here,
I know better.
Well I don't think you're going to find anybody, not anybody who say
they tried like I tried.
The worst you can say all about me is that I've never satisfied.
So . . .
Please don't leave me, I feel so useless down here.
I can't find anybody to love me, and I've looked around.
Though I've looked everywhere, everywhere.
And I can't find, anybody to love,
To feel my pain.
So . . .
Don't go and leave me lord
Honey don't you go off and leave me lord.
Don't you know how hard it is,
Trying to live alone?
Everyday I keep trying to move forward,
but something is driving me back.
Honey, something's trying to hold onto me,
Turn my world back.
So . . .
Please don't you forget me, don't forget me lord,
I think that maybe, you could use me maybe, I can help you.
Please, don't you go and leave me, no...
Ohhhhh, Nooo...please....Leave me....Please don't ya leave me lord!
Peace and love all, hope this is mostly right.

Turtle Blues

I'm a mean, mean woman
I don't mean no one mean, no good
I'm a mean, mean woman
I don't mean no one mean, no good
I just treats 'em like I wants to
I never treat 'em, honey, like I should

Oh lord, I once had a daddy
He said he'd give me everything in sight
So I said, 'Honey I want the sunshine
And take the stars out of the night
Come on and give 'em to me, cause I want em right now

I ain't the kind of woman
Who'd make your life a bed of ease
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
I'm not the kind of woman
To make your life a bed of ease
Yeah, but if you want to go out drinkin' honey
Won't you invite me along please
Oh, I'd be so good to you babe

I guess I'm just like a turtle
That's hidden' underneath it's horny shell
Whoa, I'm like a turtle
Hidden' underneath it's horny shell
But ya know I'm very well protected
I know this G*D-D**N life too well

Ya can call me mean, you can call me evil
I've been called much worser things around
Call me mean, or call me evil
I've been called much worser things, ah, things around
Yeah, but I'm gonna take good care of Janis
Hon, ain't no one gonna talk me down
All right!

To Love Somebody

There's a light,
Certain kinda light,
That never-ever,
Never shown on me.
No, no.
Honey, I want,
I want, my whole life to be,
Lived with you, babe.
That's what I want.
Ohhh, was to be livin', lovin' you.

There's a wayyyyeee.
Ohhh, everybody say,
You can do anything,
Everything, yeah.
But what good,
What good,
Honey, what good can ever be?
Cause I ain't got you,
With my love.
And I can't find you babe.
No I can't.

You don't know,
You don't know what it's like,
No you don't,
No, you don't know,
You don't know what it's liiiiiike,
To love anybody.
Oh, Honey I wanna talk about love,
And tryin' to hold somebody.
The way I love you, babe.
And I've been lovin' you babe.

In my brain,
OHHHH, I can see your face again.
I know my frame of mind, yeah.
Nobody, nobody,
Ever has to be so blind.
Honey, like I did.
I know I was blind.
Honey, I tell you that I was.
I was very, very blind.
OHHHHH, but I'm just a girl.
Can't you just take a look at me and tell.
Tell that I live,
Honey, I live and breathe for you.
Don't you know I do.

But what good,
What good,
What good can I ever do?
Cause I ain't got you.
That's all I ever wanted.
And I ain't got you babe.
Oh, and I've been lookin' around.

But you don't know,
You don't know what it's like,
No you don't,
No, no, no,
You don't know,
Honey, you don't know,
What its liiiiiike,
To love anybody.
Oh, honey, I wanna talk about tryin' to hold somebody,
When your lonely.
The way I love you babe.
And I just want you to know I tried.

OHHH, I know that,
There's a way.
Cause everybody came to me at one time,
And said,
Honey, you can do anything,
Every little thing,
and I think I can.

Oh, but what good,
What good,
What awfully good,
Can I ever-ever bring?
Cause I can't find you,
With my love.
And I can't find you babe.

Oh, honey, where.
Oh, you don't know,
You don't know what it's like,
No you don't,
And you never-ever did.
You don't know,
Honey you don't know,
What it's liiiiike.
Wanna love anybody.
Oh, honey, I wanna,
Talk about tryin',
To hold ya.
Oh, ba-baby-baby yeah.
You don't know.
You don't know what it's like.
Any you never-ever-ever did.
I said, I, I've tried to throw my love around ya.
And I've tried to help ya, darlin'.
But you never-ever,
No you never-ever,
No you never-ever,
No you never-ever,
I know that you know that,
No, you've never-ever-ever,
Ohhhh, let me throw my love,
Throw my love,
All my looooove.


Summertime,time, time, chime,
and the livin' is easy.
Fish are jumpin'now, now,
hey the cotton on, the cotton is high, lord so high.

Your dad's rich,
and your ma's so good lookin' babe, she's looking good now, now.
Hush little baby, baby, baby, baby, baby,
no, no, no, no don't you cry, cry.

One of these mornin's, you're gonna rise, rise up singin'.
You're gonna spread your wings,child and take, take to the sky, lord the sky.

Until that mornin', honey nothin's going to harm you now
don't you cry.

Piece Of My Heart

Oh, come on
Come on
Come on
Come on
Didnt I make you feel,
Like you were the only man?
Yeah, and didnt I give you nearly everything,
That a woman possibly can?
Honey, you know I did

Each time I tell my self
That I, well I think Ive had enough
Oh, but Im gonna show you baby,
That a woman can be tough.
I want ya to come on
Come on
Come on
Come on

And take it!
Take another little piece of my heart, now baby.
Break it!
Break another little piece of my heart.
Come on, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Have a!
Have another little piece of my heart, now baby.
Well you know you got it,
If it make you feel good.
Oh, yes indeed

Your out on the streets lookin good.
And baby, deep down in your heart,
I guess you know that it aint right
Now ma
Now ma
Now ma
Now ma
Now ma
Now ma
Hear me when I cry,
Out at night.
Baby I cry all the time!

Each time I tell myself,
That I, well, I cant stand the pain
When you hold me in your arms,
Im singin once again
I said come on
Come on
Come on
Come on

Yeah, take it!
Take another little piece of my heart now baby.
Break it!
Break another little piece of my heart.
I know, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Have a!
Have another little piece of my heart, now baby.
Well you know you got it,
Child, if it makes you feel good

I need you to come on,
Come on
Come on
Come on

Yeah, take it!
Take another little piece of my heart, now baby
Break it!
Break another little piece of my heart,
I know yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Come on now.
Have a!
Have another little piece of my heart now baby
You know you got it

Take it!
Take another little piece of my heart, now baby.
Break it!
Break another little piece of my heart.
Come on, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Have a!
Have another little piece of my heart, now baby
You know you got it,
Child, if it makes you feel good.

Move Over

You say that it's over, baby, no.
You say that it's over now,
But still you hang around me,
Come on,
Won't you move over.

You know that I need a man, honey,
Lord, you know that I need a man,
But when I ask you to,
You just tell me,
That maybe you can.

Please don't ya do it to babe,
Please don't ya do it to me babe.
Either take the love I offer,
Or just let me be.

I ain't quite ready for walking,
No, no, no, no,
I ain't quite ready for walking,
And what ya gonna do with you love,
Your love's just dangling.

Make up your mind, honey,
You're playin' with me,
Hey, hey, hey,
Make up your mind, darlin',
You're playin' with me.
Come on now!!
Now, either be my lovin' man,
I said now, let me, honey,
Let me be.

You say that it's over baby, no.
You say that it's over, now.
But still you hang around me.
Come on,
Won't you move over.

You know that I need a man.
Honey, I told you so.
You know that I need a man,
But when I ask you to,
You just tell me,
That maybe you can.

Please don't ya do it to me babe,
Please don't ya do it to me, babe.
Either take the love I offer,
Honey, let me be.

I say, won't you,
Won't you let me be?
Honey, you're teasin' me.
Yeah, you're playin' with my heart, dear.
I believe you're toyin' with my affections, honey.
I can't take it no more, babe.
And furthermore, I don't intend to.
I'm just tired of hanging from the end of a string, honey.
You expect me to fight like a goddamn mule.


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elg rzelmes :'(

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